Yep worst blogger award goes to me! I keep meaning to come on and update but I just get side least that means Im busy, right?.....
Well busy I am at the moment! I have stopped doing customs via a list. I made this decision just before Christmas. It just wasnt working for me and I was feeling stressed. Now If/when I have time I can list a custom spot or 2 but I dont have a huge list breathing down my neck! Phew!
I have a big wholesale order on the go, make sure you check out towards the end of next month. Lots of fluffy goodness headed their way :D
I have also finished and release the newborn range that have been under development for a while now. A gorgeous little sidesnap .
This is one of my favourites......Winnie the Pooh embroidered on the front with one of his quotes "Sometimes, the smallest things take up the most room in your heart." They are just the cutest and make me soo clucky! haha.
I am also licensed to make a new product, I wont say what yet but it is very cute and ISNT nappy related :D Im hoping to get some made up over the next few weeks.
And I have a new fabric on its way to me, it is pretty cool and I cant wait to experiment with it!! But I cant say anymore =P
The other thing keeping me busy (besides the kids, hubby, housework and nappy making!!) is digitizing! I have been teaching myself and have had some pretty good results so far! Im loving finding different images for "Envious Exclusive" designs :D Hopefully they will be gracing the bum of some nappies soon!
Well I better get back to it....these booster are going to serge themselves...unfortunately! Even if it is already 1am....
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