Too much stuff going on and not enough time!
Hundreds of nappies have been made and sent off to various parts of Oz since I blogged last! - Another 2 wholesale orders + customs + plus stock!
Lots has been happening. We welcomed a new member to the Envi♥us new baby.....Isnt she beautiful! Works like a charm and has saved me countless hours of changing threads!
On a personal note, I chopped all my hair literally! It is now only about 2 inches long all over :O Took a bit of getting used to but it is so much easier to manage!
Christmas is fast approaching, like less than 1 month!! And no I havent even begun my Christmas shopping, slack I know! We still have one more birthday to get through first. Mr T is turning 7!! this Tuesday, Oh how time flies! Earlier this month little Miss C had her 3rd birthday, and a few weeks before that Mr M had his 5th birthday and started school!! Who told these kids they could grow up??!!

Im pretty pleased with how it worked out! And the coolest part - the cotton star fabric GLOWS IN THE DARK!! How cool is that!
I had a market on last weekend. The market it self was pretty slow but business was good for me. Sales have been improving each time which is great. I had made up sooo much stock, which meant I had to photograph, edit and upload to my website - which is more exhausting and brain numbing than you probably realise! But it was worth it as 90% of the stock sold the same night. Was hoping to keep at least a few nappies in stock, just so my website isnt bare when newcomers go to have a browse.
I have also been working on a newborn range to fit from 2.5kg-5kg For the little wee ones that can fit straight into a one size nappy.
Im sure there is lots more but as it is now after 2 am and I am starving hungry Id best go feed myself before falling into bed!
Til next time
p.s I will blog more often.... I will honest!!...Well I will try anyways! LOL